Some of our projects
Web design and development is our passion. We believe if you do it, then you should do it right and well thought out. Whether the goal is to design a brand visual identity, simplify web user experience or create an A to Z solution for a starting business – we like clean and high design, engaging and user-friendly experiences.
Lõime premium autode edasimüüjale FERATI-le unikaalse kodulehe disaini, mis väljendaks nende brändi väärtusi ning arendasime veebilehe valmis.
We created a unique website design for the premium car dealer FERATI, which would express their brand values, and we also developed the website. In addition, we prepared a CVI document, business card design, and a professional presentation template to support their future marketing activities.
We created a branding document for PELL, defining the target audiences (primary, secondary), positioning (competitors and position), and brand identity (brand values, unique selling proposition, associations, Tone of Voice).
Koostasime PELL-ile brändingu dokumendi kus defineerisime sihtrühmad (primaarne, sekundaarne), positsioneerimise (konkurendid ja positsioon) ja brändi identiteedi (brändiväärtused, unikaalne müügiargument, assotsiatsioonid, Tone of Voice).
We developed the Koolimaja video learning platform through which they convey the knowledge and skills of Estonia’s top experts. The aim was to create a website and platform with a personalized design that aligns with the Koolimaja brand.
Arendasime Koolimaja videoõppeplatvormi, läbi mille anda edasi Eesti tipptegijate teadmisi ja oskuseid.
Kujundasime Eesti Hariduse Kvaliteediagentuurile (HAKA) uue visuaalse identiteedi, sealhulgas uuendasime logo, kirjatüüpi, värvipaletti, pildikeelt, graafilisi elemente.
Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA)
We designed a new visual identity for the Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA), including logo, typography, color palette, imagery, and graphic elements.
Moe Distillery
Kujundasime Moe Distillery uue valmiskokteilide (ready to drink – RTD) seeria “Signature Cocktails” pakendidisainid.
Moe Distillery
We created the packaging designs for Moe Distillery’s new series of ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktails called “Signature Cocktails.” In addition, we have created various marketing materials such as roll-ups, web banners, printed materials, business cards, exhibition booths, tasting tables, etc., and ensured their distribution.