Some of our projects
Web design and development is our passion. We believe if you do it, then you should do it right and well thought out. Whether the goal is to design a brand visual identity, simplify web user experience or create an A to Z solution for a starting business – we like clean and high design, engaging and user-friendly experiences.
Disainisime ja arendasime kasutajamugava veebilehe. Stiilipuhas disain stuudiole omastes toonides.
Black Box Studio
We designed and developed a user-friendly website. A clean and stylish design in studio’s characteristic tones.
Monster Studio
We developed the new website for Monster Studio and optimized its speed. Monster Studio required a slightly unique website that would professionally showcase their expertise in their field of activity.
Monster Studio
Arendasime Monster Studio uue kodulehe ja optimeerisime selle kiirust. Monster Studio vajas tavapärasest natuke erilisemat kodulehte, mis edastaks professionaalselt nende võimekust oma tegevusvaldkonnas.
We have developed a user-friendly e-commerce website for Muulin, which is easy to use on any device.
Baltic Real Estate
Kujundasime Baltic Real Estate visuaalse identiteedi, sealhulgas logo ja mustri ning valisime brändi kirjatüübi ja värvid.
Baltic Real Estate
We designed the visual identity for Baltic Real Estate, including the logo and pattern, and selected the brand’s typography and colors.