Some of our projects
Web design and development is our passion. We believe if you do it, then you should do it right and well thought out. Whether the goal is to design a brand visual identity, simplify web user experience or create an A to Z solution for a starting business – we like clean and high design, engaging and user-friendly experiences.
Sisekaitseakadeemia Politsei- ja piirivalvekolledži kampaania koos Andrei Zevakini ja Robin Valtinguga.
Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
Police and Border Guard College of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences campaign with Andrei Zevakin and Robin Valting.
A modern brand and visual identity for EKE AS, an Estonian real estate developer with collaborative approach and high-quality standards.
Eesti ärikinnisvara arendaja EKE AS-i värskendatud identiteet, mis peegeldab nende koostööpõhist lähenemist ja kõrgeid kvaliteedistandardeid.
A comprehensive rebranding and website overhaul for AS Signaal TM, enhancing their position as Estonia's leading traffic management service provider.
Forus Gruppi kuuluva AS Signaal TM-i uus koduleht, mis peegeldab ettevõtte pühendumust innovatsioonile liiklusohutuses.
Merelahe Tervisekeskus
Merelahe Tervisekeskuse värske ilme, mis kannab edasi usaldust, selgust ja rahu.
Merelahe Health Center
A fresh identity and website for Merelahe Health Center, reflecting calm, trust, and transparency.
We created a visual identity for Kinevo, an Estonian macramé artist, which matches the style of their field. We designed and developed a user-friendly and minimalist online store that emphasizes high-quality product photos. In addition, we have designed marketing materials for Kinevo and created social media content.
Lõime Eesti makrameekuntsnikule Kinevo-le tegevusvaldkonnale vastava stiiliga visuaalse identiteedi.